Pacific Mail-Anti Spam At Gateway Level

PacificMail is an Internet based Managed Service platform, which blocks spam, phishing, viruses and other e- mail threats as soon as they arise and far away from the perimeter of your corporate network. PacificMail removes the complexity of on site installation requirements, configuration and maintenance. It eases the administrative burden and lowers the TCO when compared to other software or appliance products. PacificMail works on the basis of MX interception technique which makes the setup transition easy and transparent to the end users.

PACIFIC MAIL Solutions is the leading provider of enterprise-class email security and message management services. Businesses of all sizes place their trust in PACIFIC MAIL Solutions to protect their message systems from spam and viruses as well as to safeguard data in transit to and from their corporate networks.

PACIFIC MAIL Solutions employs rigorous measures to ensure the privacy and security of there customer's information and data. Through a combination of technology and policy measures, PACIFIC MAIL Solutions maintains the highest level of security to protect the confidentiality and integrity of customer information. PACIFIC MAIL Solutions's security measures include:

Physical Security

PACIFIC MAIL Solutions maintains rigid security at remote data centers where customer data and information are housed. Physical premises are guarded and under video surveillance 24/7.

Application Security

All application and server interfaces are password protected over SSL encrypted tunnels. PACIFIC MAIL Solutions's SMTP servers utilize a secure, stable, and highly scalable SMTP server. DNS security is maintained by the latest version of BIND, with new releases tested and installed as they become available.

Data Security

All data traversing the PACIFIC MAIL Solutions network and access to that data is restricted by strictly enforced policies. Detailed logs are maintained of all data that passes through the network, including logins and access to that data. Email data is never stored. Email that is queued for disaster recovery purposes is spooled temporarily and never stored permanently.

Personnel Security

PACIFIC MAIL Solutions maintains strict policies for staff that are allowed access to customer data and information. All staff logins are recorded for audit purposes. All new employees must successfully complete background checks.

Privacy and Security Policy

PACIFIC MAIL Solutions publishes and enforces a stringent privacy and security policy that outlines PACIFIC MAIL Solutions's commitment to protecting the confidentiality and safety of our customers' data. The measures outlined in the policy are designed to protect against threats and hazards, including unauthorized access to customer data.

Pacific Mail Features

Features at a Glance

Pacific Mail: How it works?

After PacificMail Implementation

Usage Reports from PACIFIC MAIL